210+ Top Zombie Quotes For Fans Of The Undead - Personalized Gift Sandjest
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210+ Creepy And Funny Zombie Quotes And Sayings For Sharing

by Thomas Turner 01 Oct 2024
Find creepy and funny zombie quotes in this article.

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Looking for the best zombie quotes that are both funny and chilling? You've come to the right place! Zombies have lurched their way into pop culture, bringing us countless memorable lines. 

If you’re a fan of the undead or just want some fun zombie captions for your social posts, you’ll find the perfect quote to sink your teeth into. Stick around, and get ready for a collection of zombie quotes that will leave you howling for more!

Funny Zombie Quotes

Zombies don’t always have to be scary—sometimes they can bring a good laugh! In this collection of funny zombie sayings, you’ll find the humor that comes with the walking dead. Get ready to crack a smile while imagining the undead stumbling through life (or unlife).

Cartoon zombie holding sign with funny quotes about zombies, surrounded by laughing undead characters.
  • "I’m not dead yet, but I’m working on it." — Unknown
  • "I don’t need a brain—I’m just here for the snacks!" — Unknown
  • "Zombies don’t run... we shuffle with style." — Unknown
  • "Brains are cool and all, but have you tried pizza?" — Unknown
  • "I can’t be undead without my morning coffee." — Unknown
  • "Even zombies need a break—un-living can be exhausting!" — Unknown
  • "Zombies can’t multitask... unless you count eating and moaning at the same time." — Unknown
  • "Brains are overrated. Zombies just need snacks and naps." — Unknown
  • "I’m not dead yet! Just napping like a zombie." — Unknown
  • "Feeling dead inside? Zombies have been there, done that." — Unknown
  • "I tried to stay alive, but I got distracted by brains." — Unknown
  • "Zombies: Dead on the outside, deadpan on the inside." — Unknown
  • "Why do zombies never laugh? Because they’re dead serious all the time." — Unknown
  • "Feeling dead inside isn’t all bad, just ask a zombie." — Unknown
  • "Dead on my feet? More like practicing for the zombie lifestyle." — Unknown
  • "When life gives you lemons, zombies give you brains." — Unknown
  • "Zombies don’t have to worry about splitting headaches—they just 'take them in stride!'" — Unknown
  • "Zombies love a 'hearty' meal—it’s always brains!" — Unknown
  • "I told a zombie to 'take it easy,' but he just kept 'pushing his limits!'" — Unknown
  • "Why do zombies make bad friends? They’re always trying to 'pick your brain!'" — Unknown
  • "Zombies don’t count calories; they 'measure in brains!'" — Unknown
  • "Why don’t zombies play sports? They don’t want to 'lose their heads!'" — Unknown
  • "Zombies have a one-track mind, and it’s always on 'food for thought!'" — Unknown
  • "I’m not worried about the zombie apocalypse—I’m more concerned about 'brain freeze!'" — Unknown
  • "Zombies don’t need sleep, but they sure love to 'rest in pieces!'" — Unknown
  • "The zombie diet is 'a no-brainer!'" — Unknown
  • "What’s a zombie’s least favorite chore? 'Washing their hands!'" — Unknown
  • "Zombies are great multitaskers—they can 'chew over' things while chasing you." — Unknown
  • "I wanted to tell a zombie joke, but I didn’t want to 'lose my head!'" — Unknown
  • "Zombies may be brain-hungry, but they’ve got 'dead-serious' humor." — Unknown
  • "If a zombie starts complaining, just tell him to 'get a grip!'" — Unknown
  • "I tried to outrun a zombie, but he told me to 'keep an eye out'… literally!" — Unknown
  • "Zombies always seem so 'put together' for someone who's falling apart." — Unknown
  • "Zombies really know how to 'bite' off more than they can chew!" — Unknown
  • "I told my zombie friend to eat healthy, but he just 'brainstorms' instead." — Unknown
  • "Why did the zombie go to school? To 'improve his headspace!'" — Unknown
  • "Zombies may be slow, but they sure know how to 'brainstorm!'" — Unknown
  • "I asked a zombie for relationship advice—he told me to 'use my head.'" — Unknown
  • "What’s a zombie’s favorite side dish? 'Head of lettuce.'" — Unknown
  • "Zombies don’t do yoga, but they sure are great at 'corpse pose!'" — Unknown
  • "Forget coffee, zombies prefer a good 'brain boost!'" — Unknown
  • "Zombies are proof that sometimes, you just can't get ahead in life." — Unknown
  • "I’d chase you to the ends of the earth… if I weren’t dragging this leg." — Unknown
  • "Brains are overrated. Just ask a zombie." — Unknown
  • "I can’t brain today. I have the dumb… just like a zombie." — Unknown
  • "Zombies: the only creatures who love a good brain workout." — Unknown
  • "Zombies might be slow, but they’ve got brains. Literally." — Unknown
  • "If zombies could talk, they’d probably still just moan for brains." — Unknown
  • "Walking around like a zombie is my new workout plan." — Unknown
  • "Zombies are the ultimate minimalists—just one craving: brains." — Unknown
  • "If you’re ever late, just tell them you’re running on zombie time." — Unknown
  • "Zombies don’t need caffeine. They’re already dead inside." — Unknown
  • "When you’re a zombie, ‘having a bad day’ takes on a whole new meaning." — Unknown
  • "You know it’s bad when even a zombie thinks you look tired." — Unknown
  • "Zombies: because sometimes, life just keeps coming back to haunt you." — Unknown
  • "They said 'reach for the stars,' but zombies went straight for the brains." — Unknown
  • "Why do zombies make great bosses? They’re always hungry for brains." — Unknown
  • "The zombie apocalypse will bring out the best in me—mostly my sarcasm." — Unknown

Zombie Quotes For Instagram

Zombies have shambled their way into pop culture, captivating our imagination with their relentless pursuit of brains and uncanny ability to survive. These undead creatures have become unexpected icons, inspiring a horde of creative and surprisingly delightful zombie captions for Instagram perfect for your Instagram feed. 

Stylish Instagram post featuring trendy typography of best zombie quotes on a spooky background.
  • "In a zombie apocalypse, the real monsters are often the living. #ZombieSurvival #UndeadWisdom" — Unknown
  • "Eat, sleep, avoid zombies, repeat. #ZombieLife #ApocalypseRoutine" — Unknown
  • "Keep calm and carry a baseball bat. #ZombieSelfDefense #SurvivalTips" — Unknown
  • "Zombies: Proving that a balanced diet includes brains. #ZombieNutrition #BrainFood" — Unknown
  • "Love is finding someone whose brains you want to eat last. #ZombieRomance #UndeadLove" — Unknown
  • "When life gives you zombies, make zombie-ade. #ZombieOptimism #ApocalypseHumor" — Unknown
  • "Zombies: The ultimate social distancing champions. #ZombieTrends #Quarantine" — Unknown
  • "Run faster than your friends – zombie survival 101. #ZombieFitness #SurvivalOfTheFittest" — Unknown
  • "Zombie pickup line: Your brains look delicious today. #ZombieFlirting #UndeadCompliments" — Unknown
  • "In case of zombies, break glass and grab chainsaw. #ZombiePreparedness #EmergencyPlan" — Unknown
  • "Zombies don't care if you're having a bad hair day. #ZombiePerks #ApocalypsePositivity" — Unknown
  • "Brains before beauty, a zombie's guide to dating. #ZombieDatingTips #UndeadRomance" — Unknown
  • "Slow and steady wins the race, unless you're running from zombies. #ZombieFitness #SurvivalSprints" — Unknown
  • "Zombies: Proving that inner beauty really does matter. #ZombiePhilosophy #BrainAppeal" — Unknown
  • "Zombie apocalypse? More like zombie opportunity! #ZombieEntrepreneur #ApocalypseBusiness" — Unknown
  • "Zombies don't text and shamble. #ZombieSafety #UndeadAwareness" — Unknown
  • "Keep your friends close and your zombie survival kit closer. #ZombiePreparedness #ApocalypseEssentials" — Unknown
  • "Zombies: The ultimate equal opportunity predators. #ZombieInclusion #BrainsForAll" — Unknown
  • "In a world of zombies, be a unicorn. #ZombieUnicorn #StandOut" — Unknown
  • "Zombie diet plan: Walk more, eat brains. #ZombieFitness #BrainBasedDiet" — Unknown
  • "Zombies: Proving that looks aren't everything. #ZombieWisdom #InnerBeauty" — Unknown
  • "When zombies attack, always go for the head. #ZombieSelfDefense #SurvivalTips" — Unknown
  • "Zombies: The ultimate motivation to stay fit. #ZombieFitness #OutrunTheUndead" — Unknown
  • "Life's too short to worry about zombies. Unless they're chasing you. #ZombieHumor #ApocalypseLogic" — Unknown

Cute Zombie Quotes

Looking for some cute zombie quotes that are more "aww" than "eek"? You’ve come to the right place! Whether you're a fan of zombies or just want something fun and sweet, these cute zombie sayings bring a sprinkle of cuteness to the undead. With just the right mix of charm and humor, these quotes on zombies will have you feeling all warm and fuzzy—even if the zombies are cold and dead inside!

Adorable yet spooky zombie sayings for a lighter take on the classic undead theme.
  • "I’d eat your brain, but I’d rather have your heart." — Unknown
  • "Even zombies know you’re drop-dead gorgeous." — Unknown
  • "I love you for your brains and your heart." — Unknown
  • "You’re so cute, even zombies wouldn’t want to eat you." — Unknown
  • "We’re dead inside, but my heart still skips a beat for you." — Unknown
  • "Zombies may be slow, but I fell for you fast." — Unknown
  • "If zombies had feelings, I’d be totally dead for you." — Unknown
  • "You make my dead heart come alive again." — Unknown
  • "Brains before boys... even in the zombie apocalypse." — Unknown
  • "You’re my zombie apocalypse survival buddy, forever." — Unknown
  • "Friends that survive together, stay undead together." — Unknown
  • "Even zombies need someone to lean on when they’re falling apart." — Unknown
  • "Zombie besties: we might be dead inside, but we’re alive when we’re together." — Unknown
  • "I’d still pick you as my apocalypse partner—even if you were undead." — Unknown
  • "We’re the cutest zombie duo—brains and all!" — Unknown
  • "Living the undead life, one brain at a time." — Unknown
  • "Dead inside, but still living my best zombie life." — Unknown
  • "Brains may be food, but hugs are better." — Unknown
  • "I may be a zombie, but I still need my beauty sleep." — Unknown
  • "Just a zombie, shambling through life and looking for snacks." — Unknown
  • "Creepin’ it cute, even when I’m undead." — Unknown
  • "Brains, cuddles, and a good apocalypse—what else could a zombie want?" — Unknown
  • "Even the undead need a little cuteness in their life." — Unknown
  • "I may be a zombie, but I still need my beauty sleep." — Unknown
  • "We’re dead inside, but my heart still skips a beat for you." — Unknown
  • "Zombie besties: we might be dead inside, but we’re alive when we’re together." — Unknown
  • "Brains, cuddles, and a good apocalypse—what else could a zombie want?" — Unknown
  • "I’d still pick you as my apocalypse partner—even if you were undead." — Unknown

Famous Zombie Quotes

Here’s a collection of famous zombie quotes from iconic TV shows and movies, spanning decades of undead entertainment. If you're a fan of classic horror or the latest zombie apocalypse series, these quotes on zombies are sure to bring back memories of some unforgettable moments with the undead.

Explore famous zombie quotes from movies and books that celebrate iconic undead moments.
  • "This is my boyfriend, and he’s a zombie. But everything’s going to be okay." — Warm Bodies (2013)
  • "Shoot 'em in the head. That seems to work." — The Walking Dead (2010)
  • "Rule number one: Cardio." — Zombieland (2009)
  • "You still have to be nice to people, even if you want to eat them." — Warm Bodies (2013)
  • "In a world ruled by the dead, we are forced to finally start living." — The Walking Dead (2010)
  • "I told you, dead people don't sue." — Zombieland (2009)

Short Zombie Quotes

Who says zombies can’t have a sense of humor? These zombie quotes and sayings pack a punch with just a few words. If you’re looking for a quick laugh, these short zombie captions will bring the undead to life in a playful way.

Short quotes about zombies that pack a punch, perfect for any quick zombie reference.
  • "Alive or undead, emotions never die." — Unknown
  • "In the end, we're all just bones." — Unknown
  • "Zombies never cry, but we do." — Unknown
  • "Love doesn’t end, even when you’re undead." — Unknown
  • "Life fades, but memories linger on." — Unknown
  • "Sad but true: the dead still feel loss." — Unknown
  • "A heartbeat missed, but feelings remain." — Unknown
  • "Even zombies miss what they’ve lost." — Unknown
  • "Dead but still fashionable!" — Unknown
  • "Zombies hate fast food!" — Unknown
  • "I'd eat brains, but I’m watching my carbs." — Unknown
  • "Shuffle, don’t run. It’s a zombie thing." — Unknown
  • "Don’t worry, zombies are slow!" — Unknown
  • "Stay calm, zombies can’t multitask." — Unknown
  • "Brains first, then dessert." — Unknown
  • "Trust no one, not even the living." — Unknown
  • "Survive today, plan tomorrow." — Unknown
  • "Keep moving or become dinner." — Unknown
  • "The living are more dangerous than zombies." — Unknown
  • "Cardio saves lives in a zombie world." — Unknown
  • "Never let your guard down." — Unknown
  • "Double tap—it’s the safest way." — Unknown
  • "The dead walk, but I run." — Unknown
  • "Brains or nothing, zombies never compromise." — Unknown
  • "No brain, no pain." — Unknown
  • "Zombies don’t talk, but they sure can bite." — Unknown
  • "In the apocalypse, only the fast survive." — Unknown
  • "Zombies are the ultimate slow walkers." — Unknown
  • "Brains before beauty, always." — Unknown
  • "Survive first, laugh later." — Unknown
  • "Zombies: never late, just slow." — Unknown
  • "Outrun the zombie, or outlast the bite." — Unknown
  • "Zombies don’t knock, they break in." — Unknown
  • "Survival rule: aim for the head." — Unknown
  • "Zombies love a good brain buffet." — Unknown
  • "Flesh, it’s what’s for dinner." — Unknown
  • "Eat brains, avoid the pain." — Unknown
  • "Zombie rule number one: cardio." — Unknown
  • "Brains: the undead’s guilty pleasure." — Unknown
  • "Dead but still hungry." — Unknown
  • "Zombies never get full." — Unknown
  • "Shuffling through life, one brain at a time." — Unknown
  • "Stay alive, stay quiet." — Unknown
  • "Zombies: slower than Mondays." — Unknown
  • "Brains or bust!" — Unknown
  • "Undead but always hungry." — Unknown

Zombie Love Quotes

Zombies and love? Why not! These zombie love quotes add a little undead humor to your romantic relationship. If you're looking to share a laugh with your significant other or express love with a bite of zombie flair, these quotes on zombies are perfect for couples who enjoy a little apocalyptic fun.

Express your affection with zombie love quotes that capture the heart of the undead.
  • "Even in the apocalypse, my heart will always find its way to you." — Unknown
  • "If love could survive anything, it would be a zombie apocalypse." — Unknown
  • "Not even the end of the world could keep us apart." — Unknown
  • "When the world crumbles, we’ll still have each other." — Unknown
  • "Together, we’ll survive whatever comes our way, even the undead." — Unknown
  • "If you were a zombie, I’d still love you, rotting flesh and all." — Unknown
  • "You’ve got my heart, whether it’s beating or not." — Unknown
  • "I’d rather face a zombie horde with you than live in safety without you." — Unknown
  • "Who needs a sunset when the moon shines brighter in a zombie apocalypse with you?" — Unknown
  • "Through the chaos and decay, our love still stands strong." — Unknown
  • "Even when the world’s gone, I’ll be by your side, fighting for us." — Unknown
  • "Zombies have nothing on the way you take my breath away." — Unknown
  • "If the apocalypse ever comes, just know I'd fight my way through a zombie horde for you." — Unknown
  • "Even a zombie apocalypse couldn't stop me from loving you." — Unknown
  • "Not even the end of days could tear us apart." — Unknown
  • "If I had to, I’d search through every wasteland just to find you." — Unknown
  • "Love like ours survives the living and the undead." — Unknown
  • "We’re proof that love can survive anything—even a zombie apocalypse." — Unknown
  • "I’d let a hundred zombies chase me if it meant you’d be by my side." — Unknown
  • "Even when the world goes silent, my love for you still screams." — Unknown
  • "In a world gone mad, I’d choose to face it all with you." — Unknown
  • "Even with zombies around, you’re the only one who makes my heart skip a beat." — Unknown
  • "If we ever become zombies, I hope we’re still in love." — Unknown
  • "Our love is like the apocalypse—unpredictable, chaotic, and unstoppable." — Unknown
  • "When zombies come knocking, I’ll still be holding your hand." — Unknown
  • "In a world where everything falls apart, you’re the only thing that keeps me together." — Unknown
  • "When everything else is falling apart, you’re the one thing I’ll never lose." — Unknown

Halloween Zombie Quotes

Halloween is the perfect time to let the undead roam free and celebrate the eerie fun of the season. These Halloween quotes about zombies are packed with spooky humor, creepy chills, and a touch of the macabre, perfect for fans of the undead and the spirit of Halloween. 

Creepy and fun Halloween zombie quotes to liven up your holiday with spooky sayings.
  • "The only thing scarier than a zombie? Running out of Halloween candy." — Unknown
  • "Why eat brains when we’ve got cupcakes?" — Unknown
  • "This Halloween, I’m going for the full zombie look: dead inside, but still hungry." — Unknown
  • "Who needs a heartbeat when you’ve got the best zombie costume?" — Unknown
  • "Eat, drink, and be scary... after all, zombies love a good party." — Unknown
  • "I may be undead, but my Halloween spirit is very much alive!" — Unknown
  • "Even the dead need a break – so I’m here for the Halloween treats." — Unknown
  • "If you hear something coming from the grave, it's just me, looking for brains." — Unknown
  • "Out of the grave and into the Halloween party – let’s dance, zombies!" — Unknown
  • "Graveyards are cool, but Halloween parties are better." — Unknown
  • "No rest for the undead... especially on Halloween night." — Unknown
  • "They say zombies rise at midnight, and here I am, right on time." — Unknown
  • "Beware the myths, but trust the zombies. They always return for more." — Unknown
  • "Every Halloween, zombies roam the earth… but only for the best costumes." — Unknown
  • "Legends say zombies crave brains, but I’m more of a candy corn kind of ghoul." — Unknown
  • "Some believe zombies are just stories – but I’ll be the myth that haunts you tonight." — Unknown
  • "The legends were true: zombies rise every Halloween for one more scare." — Unknown
  • "You know the myth, now live the legend – zombies aren’t just for horror movies." — Unknown
  • "In every myth, there’s a little truth – and tonight, that truth is me, the zombie in your Halloween nightmares." — Unknown
  • "Zombies don’t age, which means I’ll look this good at every Halloween party." — Unknown
  • "As a zombie, I might be slow, but I’m quick to spot the candy." — Unknown
  • "This Halloween, I’m dressing up as a zombie... because why not keep it real?" — Unknown
  • "Brains are overrated; give me some Halloween treats." — Unknown
  • "The only thing scarier than a zombie is running out of candy on Halloween." — Unknown


In conclusion, if you're fascinated by the myths of zombies rising from their graves, then zombie quotes are the perfect way to add a spooky touch to your Halloween fun. Use these zombie captions to spice up your social media posts or add some undead flair to your next Halloween party. 

So sink your teeth into these delightfully morbid musings and let the zombie apocalypse of words begin! Remember, in the world of the undead, a good quote can be as precious as a fresh brain. Embrace your inner zombie and let these unforgettable sayings bring your love of the walking dead to life.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is The Zombie Metaphor?

Corporate zombies describing office workers who mindlessly follow routines.

Smartphone zombies depicting people constantly glued to their devices.

Consumer zombies represent those who shop compulsively without thinking.

What Are The Zombie Survival Guide Quotes?

"Cardio is key - outrun the undead."— Unknown

"Always check the back seat."— Unknown

"Travel light, move fast."— Unknown

"Know your exits."— Unknown

"Buddy up for safety."— Unknown

What Is Zombie Like Personality?

A zombie-like personality exhibits traits of emotional detachment and lack of self-awareness. Examples include:

1/ Someone who goes through daily routines without enthusiasm or engagement.
2/ A person who seems unresponsive to emotional stimuli or social cues.
3/ An individual who appears to lack independent thought or critical thinking skills.

  • 210+ Creepy And Funny Zombie Quotes And Sayings For Sharing

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  • 210+ Creepy And Funny Zombie Quotes And Sayings For Sharing

  • Thomas Turner | View all blog posts

    Thomas Turner is an SEO Content Writer at Sandjest where he develops and implements content strategies to enhance online visibility and drive organic traffic. With a Bachelor’s degree in Communications from Northwestern University and five years of experience in the marketing and content writing field. In his spare time, Thomas enjoys playing badminton and chess, activities that help him stay active and sharpen his strategic thinking skills.

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