100+ Best Ex Girlfriend Quotes, Captions And Messages - Personalized Gift Sandjest
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100+ Ex Girlfriend Quotes, Captions And Messages To Send To Your Ex

by Thomas Turner 12 Jul 2024
Discover relatable ex girlfriend quotes for closure and letting go.

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Breakups can leave us searching for the perfect ex girlfriend quotes to express our jumbled emotions. We've all been there, staring at our phones, wondering what to say to that person who was once our everything. This collection of relatable and touching broken quotes about exes is here to help you navigate the choppy waters of post-breakup life. From witty one-liners to profound reflections on love and loss, we've got you covered. So grab a cup of coffee (or a pint of ice cream, we won't judge) and dive into these carefully curated ex girlfriend sayings that might just help you turn the page on this chapter of your life.

Cheating Ex Girlfriend Quotes

These best ex girlfriend quotes lay bare the raw emotions of hurt, anger, and loss that follow a partner's betrayal. The pain is real, and these ex girlfriend quotes and sayings echo that heartbreak.

Cheating ex girlfriend quotes and sayings capture the pain and betrayal experienced in a relationship's end.

  • "It's not the goodbye that hurts, but the flashbacks that follow." — Unknown
  • "It's hard to trust again when someone's lies shattered your reality." — Unknown
  • "The truth may hurt for a little while, but a lie hurts forever." — Unknown
  • "I didn't lose you, you lost me. You'll search for me inside of everyone you're with and I won't be found." — Unknown
  • "The hardest thing isn't losing someone you love, it's learning to live without them." — Unknown
  • "You can't treat people like garbage and worship them like gods at the same time." — Unknown
  • "Cheaters don't think cheating is wrong, they think getting caught is wrong." — Unknown
  • "The pain of being cheated on is a special kind of hell. It's like mourning someone who's still alive." — Unknown
  • "Don't let someone who doesn't know your worth tell you how valuable you are." — Unknown
  • "Sometimes the wrong choices bring us to the right places." — Unknown
  • "The woman who values herself will walk away from someone who doesn't." — Unknown
  • "You are not someone's leftover. You are the prize." — Unknown
  • "My ex-girlfriend had a weird fetish. She used to like to sleep with other guys." — Unknown
  • "Dear Karma, I have a list of people you missed." — Unknown
  • "I'm not jealous. I just don't like my stuff being touched by people who aren't nearly as awesome as me." — Unknown
  • "I'm not sure what's worse, people who lie or people who think I believe their lies." — Unknown
  • "Oh darling, go buy a brain." — Unknown
  • "The only thing you'll ever be good at is being someone else's." — Unknown
  • "My ex-girlfriend's new boyfriend is a complete idiot. But hey, at least he's got a great personality." — Unknown

Understanding fake love quotes can be therapeutic when dealing with betrayal. They help express feelings of deceit and validate one's experience, providing comfort through shared sentiments.

Quotes about a cheating ex-girlfriend can be cathartic and aid in processing the pain of betrayal. Reflecting on these emotions, sad love quotes can capture the depth of heartbreak. For instance, "It hurts to know the one person you thought you knew the most was the one who hurt you the worst," can resonate deeply, offering solace in shared experiences of sorrow and healing.

Jealous Ex Girlfriend Quotes

Jealousy is a complex emotion, often rooted in insecurity and fear. These best quotes about ex girlfriend expose the dark side of possessiveness and the toxic behavior that can stem from it.

Jealous ex girlfriend quotes highlight the intense emotions that come with past relationships.

  • "My ex is like a broken pencil: pointless and unnecessary." — Unknown
  • "She's like a GPS stuck on the 'reroute' mode." — Unknown
  • "If jealousy was a job, she'd be the CEO." — Unknown
  • "Her favorite hobby was counting my new likes on Instagram." — Unknown
  • "She couldn’t handle my glow-up, so she tried to dim my shine." — Unknown
  • "Her jealousy was the best compliment my life ever received." — Unknown
  • "Trying to make my life miserable was her full-time job." — Unknown
  • "My ex's jealousy was like free entertainment with a pinch of drama." — Unknown
  • "She always found a way to turn my happiness into her drama." — Unknown
  • "Jealousy was her way of acknowledging my growth." — Unknown
  • "Her jealousy taught me to value myself more." — Unknown
  • "I left her jealousy behind and found my peace." — Unknown
  • "Rising above her jealousy was my greatest triumph." — Unknown
  • "I turned her jealousy into my motivation." — Unknown
  • "Her jealousy was a stepping stone to my new beginning." — Unknown
  • "Her jealousy helped me see the red flags I once ignored." — Unknown
  • "I turned her jealousy into a lesson on boundaries." — Unknown
  • "Her jealousy was a reminder to stay true to myself." — Unknown
  • "Jealousy from others can’t touch a secure heart." — Unknown

Lightening the mood with funny self-love quotes can shift the focus from negative emotions. Embracing humor can be a powerful tool in overcoming the pangs of jealousy, making the healing process a bit easier.

Funny Ex Girlfriend Quotes

Breakups are tough, but laughter can be the best medicine. These funny quotes about ex girlfriends capture the bittersweet humor of ex-girlfriends, touching on the awkwardness and absurdity of relationships.

Funny ex girlfriend quotes add humor to past relationships, making memories lighthearted and fun.

  • "My ex-girlfriend had a weird fetish. She used to like to sleep with other guys." — Unknown
  • "I’m not sure what’s worse, people who lie or people who think I believe their lies." — Unknown
  • "I never knew what real happiness was until I got divorced. By then, it was too late." — Unknown
  • "You're like a penny. Two-faced and not worth much." — Unknown
  • "Dear Karma, I have a list of people you missed." — Unknown
  • "The only thing you'll ever be good at is being someone else's." — Unknown
  • "I'm not jealous. I just don't like my stuff being touched by people who aren't nearly as awesome as me." — Unknown
  • "My ex-girlfriend's new boyfriend is a complete idiot. But hey, at least he's got a great personality." — Unknown
  • "Oh darling, go buy a brain." — Unknown
  • "I'm not really sure how to put this, but... you suck." — Unknown
  • "I'd wish you the best, but you already had it with me." — Unknown
  • "I'm glad you found someone new, but I'm even happier they found you." — Unknown
  • "I'm not insulting you, I'm describing you." — Unknown
  • "I'm not the one who lost something here." — Unknown
  • "You're like a bad tattoo, hard to get rid of and embarrassing to look at." — Unknown
  • "I'm not sure what's funnier, your lies or the fact that you think I believe them." — Unknown
  • "My ex asked me if I missed him. I said, 'Do you miss headaches?'" — Unknown

Funny ex-girlfriend quotes can bring humor to a typically serious situation. Funny love quotes can offer a lighter take on past relationships. For instance, "I don't hate you, but if you were on fire and I had water, I'd drink it," can add a touch of humor, helping to lighten the mood and make the experience more bearable.

New Girlfriend Vs Ex Girlfriend Quotes

Moving on from a past relationship often leads to personal growth and positive change. These break up quotes highlight the empowering feeling of self-improvement and finding someone who appreciates the new you.

New Girlfriend Vs Ex Girlfriend Quotes compare past and present relationships in a witty way.

  • "My ex's new girlfriend is living the life I planned. I'm living the life I manifested." — Unknown
  • "Darling, I'm not your ex. You can't manipulate me anymore." — Unknown
  • "She's his rebound; I was the earthquake." — Unknown
  • "You traded a diamond for a cubic zirconia. Your loss." — Unknown
  • "I'm not even competing with you anymore. I've already won." — Unknown
  • "I used to be a lesson; now I'm a blessing." — Unknown
  • "You broke a girl who was willing to build an empire with you. Now you're building sandcastles with someone else." — Unknown
  • "The upgrade is real, and it's spectacular." — Unknown
  • "I'm not jealous; I'm just happy my taste has improved." — Unknown
  • "I'm not mad you moved on. I'm just disappointed you settled." — Unknown
  • "She's his girlfriend, I'm his standard. There's a difference." — Unknown
  • "You lost a woman who loved you unconditionally. Good luck finding that again." — Unknown
  • "I'm not worried about who you're with. I'm excited about who I'm becoming." — Unknown
  • "You'll never find someone like me again because I'm busy becoming a better version of myself." — Unknown
  • "My ex's new girlfriend is everything I wasn't. And that's okay. I'm everything she'll never be." — Unknown
  • "The difference between me and your new girlfriend? I know all your secrets." — Unknown
  • "Don't come crawling back when you realize the grass wasn't greener." — Unknown
  • "My glow-up was so bright, it blinded you to my worth." — Unknown
  • "Don't be sad for me, I upgraded." — Unknown
  • "If you were the best I could do, I'd still be with you." — Unknown
  • "You miss me, but your ego misses me more." — Unknown
  • "You didn't love me. You loved the idea of me. And that version of me is gone." — Unknown
  • "I'm not insecure about your new girlfriend. I'm secure about my standards." — Unknown
  • "You traded me in for a temporary high, while I found someone who gives me a lifetime of happiness." — Unknown
  • "I'm not a consolation prize. I'm the grand prize." — Unknown
  • "My happiness doesn't depend on your approval anymore." — Unknown
  • "You'll never find someone who loves you the way I did because you don't love yourself the way I do." — Unknown
  • "She's temporary. My self-love is permanent." — Unknown
  • "I'm not bitter, I'm better." — Unknown

Balancing emotions with falling in love quotes can express the joy and uncertainty of new love, offering a positive contrast to memories of an ex. Comparing a new relationship with an old one can bring clarity. True love quotes can affirm the significance of your current relationship. For example, "With her, I finally understand what true love feels like," highlights the positive changes and deeper connection in your present relationship, contrasting it with the past.

Short Ex Girlfriend Quotes

When a relationship ends badly, sometimes a few short words are all you need to express the lingering resentment and pain. These short quotes about an ex girlfriend capture the bitterness of a breakup with poignant brevity.

Short ex girlfriend quotes deliver brief yet impactful thoughts on past relationships.

  • "Thanks for the trauma."— Unknown
  • "Plot twist: I won."— Unknown
  • "You were a lesson, not a love."— Unknown
  • "Next chapter, please."— Unknown
  • "Her loss, my gain."— Unknown
  • "Consider yourself blocked."— Unknown
  • "Don't come back."— Unknown
  • "Delete my number."— Unknown
  • "Glad you're gone."— Unknown
  • "No regrets."— Unknown
  • "I dodged a bullet."— Unknown
  • "So long, sucker."— Unknown
  • "Time to glow up."— Unknown
  • "You're replaceable."— Unknown
  • "Peace out, ex."— Unknown
  • "Upgrade complete."— Unknown
  • "Good riddance."— Unknown
  • "Darling, I'm not your mirror."— Unknown
  • "You're not even my type anymore."— Unknown
  • "Your standards are low."— Unknown
  • "You're yesterday's news."— Unknown
  • "My therapist is richer now."— Unknown
  • "Thanks for the free time."— Unknown
  • "I'm too good for you."— Unknown
  • "Enjoy the downgrade."— Unknown
  • "Not my problem anymore."— Unknown
  • "Your loss, babe."— Unknown
  • "I'm living rent-free in your head."— Unknown
  • "I dodged a bullet."— Unknown
  • "Next!"— Unknown
  • "I'm thriving."— Unknown
  • "I'm doing better."— Unknown
  • "You can't have me back."— Unknown
  • "Your apology is pending."— Unknown
  • "Never again."— Unknown
  • "Consider this closure."— Unknown
  • "Healed and thriving."— Unknown
  • "I choose me."— Unknown
  • "Onward and upward."— Unknown
  • "No looking back."— Unknown
  • "Happiness looks good on me."— Unknown
  • "Thank u, next."— Unknown
  • "Single and slaying."— Unknown
  • "Better off alone."— Unknown
  • "Leveling up."— Unknown
  • "Focus on me."— Unknown
  • "Happiness is a choice."— Unknown
  • "I am enough."— Unknown
  • "Stronger than ever."— Unknown
  • "Life goes on."— Unknown
  • "I am free."— Unknown
  • "I found peace."— Unknown
  • "New beginnings."— Unknown

Utilize thinking of you quotes to convey lingering thoughts about an ex, capturing the essence of those fleeting memories in a succinct manner.

Bad Quotes For Ex Girlfriend

Dealing with a difficult ex-girlfriend can leave a lasting impact, but it can also lead to valuable lessons and a chance to laugh at the past. These best ex quotes about letting go offer a blend of humor, wisdom, and empowerment, helping you to process the experience and find the strength to move on. Whether you need a chuckle or a bit of inspiration, these sayings capture the essence of overcoming the past.

Bad quotes for ex girlfriend express negative emotions and reflections on a past relationship.

  • "My ex-girlfriend is proof that karma has a sense of humor." — Unknown
  • "She was a storm in my life, but I learned how to dance in the rain." — Unknown
  • "If she were a vegetable, she’d be a bitter gourd." — Unknown
  • "The best part of my breakup was realizing I’d never have to hear her laugh at her own jokes again." — Unknown
  • "I lost a girlfriend but gained a comedian’s material." — Unknown
  • "She was the Wi-Fi signal of my life: weak and unreliable." — Unknown
  • "Breaking up was like upgrading to a new phone plan—more freedom and fewer dropped calls." — Unknown
  • "From her, I learned what I truly deserve in a partner." — Unknown
  • "She was my lesson in choosing peace over chaos." — Unknown
  • "Her negativity showed me the value of positivity." — Unknown
  • "Every bad relationship brings clarity to what I truly want." — Unknown
  • "From her, I learned that sometimes the best love is self-love." — Unknown
  • "Every step away from her was a step towards happiness." — Unknown
  • "She left, and my life finally began to blossom." — Unknown
  • "Her exit was the beginning of my greatest journey." — Unknown
  • "Walking away from her drama was my path to serenity." — Unknown
  • "I turned her departure into my personal victory." — Unknown
  • "I'm not a therapist, but I can tell you that you need one." — Unknown
  • "You were my favorite mistake, but I don't repeat mistakes." — Unknown
  • "I dodged a bullet, and it was you." — Unknown
  • "You're like a bad habit, hard to break but worth the effort." — Unknown
  • "I'm not sure what's worse, your face or your personality." — Unknown
  • "You're like a penny, two-faced and not worth much." — Unknown
  • "I'm not jealous, I'm just happy my taste has improved." — Unknown
  • "You're the reason I started drinking...so thanks for that." — Unknown
  • "I'm not insulting you, I'm describing you." — Unknown
  • "You're like a bad smell. You just won't go away." — Unknown

Seek comfort in broken quotes to articulate the damage caused by a bad ex. They can validate feelings and provide a sense of closure.

I Miss My Ex Girlfriend Quotes

These quotes for an ex girlfriend capture the raw emotions and lingering longing for a past love, echoing the universal feeling of missing an ex-girlfriend.

I miss my ex girlfriend quotes convey the longing and nostalgia for a past relationship.

  • "Missing you is the heartache that never goes away." — Unknown
  • "My heart still searches for you in every crowded room." — Unknown
  • "Sometimes, missing you hurts more than the breakup itself." — Unknown
  • "You're the ghost in my heart that I can't seem to exorcise." — Unknown
  • "It's the little things that remind me of you the most." — Unknown
  • "The hardest part of missing you is pretending that I don't." — Unknown
  • "Losing you was my biggest regret." — Unknown
  • "I never should have let you go." — Unknown
  • "I wish I could turn back time and tell you how much I loved you." — Unknown
  • "I'm sorry for all the times I hurt you." — Unknown
  • "Missing you is a part of healing." — Unknown
  • "I miss you, but I know I'll be okay." — Unknown
  • "The pain of missing you reminds me of how much I loved you." — Unknown
  • "I miss you, but I'm learning to love myself again." — Unknown
  • "Her absence is teaching me to be stronger." — Unknown
  • "Missing her is a reminder of the love I still carry, and the hope for better days." — Unknown
  • "Each day I miss her, I also heal a little more." — Unknown
  • "Hope helps me see beyond the pain of missing her." — Unknown
  • "I miss her, but I’m discovering new parts of myself in the process." — Unknown
  • "The pain of missing her is slowly being replaced by the hope for a brighter future." — Unknown

"I miss my ex-girlfriend" quotes can help express lingering feelings. Long distance miss you quotes can offer a sense of shared experience. "Distance makes the heart grow fonder, but sometimes it’s too far to mend," can express the difficulty of separation and the complex emotions that follow. Share your emotions with love missing quotes, offering a heartfelt way to communicate the void left by an ex.

Ex Girlfriend Captions For Instagram

Breakups are rarely easy, but sometimes the right words can offer solace, closure, or even a touch of humor during the healing process. These ex-girlfriend quotes and sayings capture the complex emotions of letting go, moving on, and finding peace after a relationship ends. 

Ex girlfriend captions for instagram provide perfect phrases for social media posts about past loves.

  • "Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together. #BetterThingsComing #NewChapter" — Unknown
  • "The best revenge is no revenge. Move on and be happy. #MoveForward #ChooseHappiness" — Unknown
  • "The only way to move forward is to stop looking back. #LookAhead #ProgressNotPerfection" — Unknown
  • "The wound is the place where the light enters you. #FindingLight #StrongerNow" — Unknown
  • "You were just a chapter. I am the whole damn book. #WholeStory #AuthorOfMyLife" — Unknown
  • "I'm not bitter about my past. I'm better because of it. #BetterNotBitter #PersonalGrowth" — Unknown
  • "The only way out is through. #FaceIt #Overcome" — Unknown

Ex-girlfriend captions for Instagram can help you express your feelings succinctly. Just because quotes can offer inspiration. "Just because it ended, doesn’t mean it wasn’t real," can be a thoughtful way to share your reflections on a past relationship, conveying both authenticity and closure.


Breakups are rarely easy, but sometimes the right words can offer solace, closure, or even a touch of humor during the healing process. These ex-girlfriend quotes and sayings capture the complex emotions of letting go, moving on, and finding peace after a relationship ends. 

And if you're looking for a way to wish your ex-girlfriend well or express your feelings, a thoughtful gesture can go a long way. Consider a personalized gift from Sandjest with ex girlfriend sayings as a unique and memorable way to show you care, even if things didn't work out. These hand-delivered gifts offer a personal touch that speaks volumes, allowing you to leave a lasting impression and move forward with grace.

Frequently Asked Questions

How To Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back Quotes?

"Rebuilding trust is like tending a garden – it requires patience, care, and consistent effort to see it bloom again."— Unknown

"The path to reconciliation begins with honest self-reflection and a willingness to grow from past mistakes."— Unknown

"Sometimes, the strongest foundation for a renewed relationship is built on the lessons learned from its initial collapse."— Unknown

What Is The Best Caption For An Ex-Girlfriend?

"Our story may have ended, but the chapters we wrote together will always be a part of my life's book."— Unknown

"Thank you for the memories, the lessons, and the growth. You've helped shape who I am today."— Unknown

"Some people come into our lives as blessings, others as lessons. You were both, and I'm grateful for that."— Unknown

What To Say To An Ex-Girlfriend?

"I hope you find the happiness you deserve, whether it's with me or someone else."— Unknown

"Our time together taught me valuable lessons about love and myself. I wish you all the best moving forward."— Unknown

"I respect the decision we've made and hope we can both grow from this experience."— Unknown

  • 100+ Ex Girlfriend Quotes, Captions And Messages To Send To Your Ex

  • Thomas Turner | View all blog posts

    Thomas Turner is an SEO Content Writer at Sandjest where he develops and implements content strategies to enhance online visibility and drive organic traffic. With a Bachelor’s degree in Communications from Northwestern University and five years of experience in the marketing and content writing field. In his spare time, Thomas enjoys playing badminton and chess, activities that help him stay active and sharpen his strategic thinking skills.

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