170+ Best Back to School Quotes for a Fresh Start - Personalized Gift Sandjest
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170+ Inspiring Back to School Quotes for Every Student

by Thomas Turner 17 Jun 2024
Discover a collection of inspiring back to school quotes that will uplift and encourage students and educators.

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Back to school quotes are the perfect companions for students and teachers alike as they embark on a new academic year. These uplifting phrases serve as a motivational boost, providing inspiration and encouragement to tackle the challenges and embrace the opportunities that lie ahead, these quotes about back to school have the power to ignite a renewed sense of determination and excitement for the journey of learning.

Prepare to be captivated as we delve into a collection of thought-provoking inspirational back to school quotes that celebrate the transformative power of education. Stay tuned and let the wisdom of these carefully curated first day of school quotes rejuvenate your spirit and guide you towards academic success.

Back To School Quotes For Kids

Going back to school can be a thrilling journey for children. Here are a few new school year quotes to encourage and uplift them as they kick off a fresh school year.

Inspirational quotes for children to motivate them as they return to school.

  • "Be curious, be adventurous, and make the most of every opportunity." — Unknown
  • "You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose." — Unknown
  • "The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go." — Unknown
  • "Dream big, work hard, stay focused, and surround yourself with good people." — Unknown
  • "Goodbye, PS5. Hello, textbooks!" — Unknown
  • "Trading screen time for school time can be tough, but you'll make new adventures in class." — Unknown
  • "School may not have a controller, but it's where you'll level up in life." — Unknown
  • "Remember, your PS5 isn't going anywhere, but school is here to help you grow." — Unknown
  • "Think of school as your next big adventure – just like in your favorite game." — Unknown
  • "You can't pause life, but you can learn to balance school and fun." — Unknown
  • "Swapping game levels for school lessons – it’s a different kind of winning." — Unknown
  • "Even heroes need to go to school to learn new skills." — Unknown
  • "Your console can wait, but school is where real adventures begin." — Unknown
  • "Just like your favorite game, school has its own rewards and achievements." — Unknown

Kids often feel nervous about going back to school. Funny school quotes can lighten the mood and help them feel more comfortable as they transition into a new grade.

Back To School Quotes For Students

Heading back to school after a fun-filled break can be a mixed bag for students. While it's exciting to reunite with friends, the thought of leaving behind their favorite games and leisure time can be a bit daunting. Here are some unique back-to-school quotes that capture these sentiments.

Motivational quotes for students to encourage them in their academic pursuits.

  • "Your education is a dress rehearsal for a life that is yours to lead." — Unknown
  • "The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be ignited." — Unknown
  • "Learn as much as you can while you are young, since life becomes too busy later." — Unknown
  • "Trading game time for school time isn't easy, but learning new things can be an adventure too." — Unknown
  • "Back to school means less gaming, but think of it as leveling up in real life." — Unknown
  • "From video games to textbooks, it's time to switch gears and tackle new challenges." — Unknown
  • "School might cut into your game time, but the knowledge you gain is worth the trade." — Unknown
  • "Remember, school is just another quest with its own set of rewards and achievements." — Unknown
  • "Gaming may be on pause, but your brain is ready for a new high score." — Unknown
  • "Switching from the game console to the classroom can be tough, but learning is its own kind of fun." — Unknown
  • "Balancing school and play isn't easy, but both can bring awesome rewards." — Unknown
  • "The classroom might not have power-ups, but it does have opportunities to grow." — Unknown
  • "From saving the world in games to solving problems in class, both are about using your skills." — Unknown
  • "You might miss game time, but school time can help you level up in real life." — Unknown

Back to school quotes for students can set a positive tone for the year ahead. Motivational quotes for students are perfect for encouraging a strong start and fostering a love for learning.

Back To School Quotes For Teachers

Teachers are the guiding lights for students, and they need motivation too. These school motivation quotes are for the teachers who inspire and lead with passion.

Uplifting quotes for teachers to inspire them in their noble profession.

  • "The art of teaching is the art of assisting discovery." — Unknown
  • "To teach is to touch a life forever." — Unknown
  • "Teaching is the greatest act of optimism." — Unknown
  • "The greatest sign of success for a teacher is to be able to say, 'The children are now working as if I did not exist.'" — Unknown
  • "Teaching is a work of heart and coffee. Let's make this school year amazing!" — Unknown
  • "As we fill our coffee tumblers, let's also fill our classrooms with curiosity and creativity." — Unknown
  • "Time to sharpen the pencils, brew the coffee, and ignite young minds." — Unknown
  • "With every sip of coffee, remember that you are shaping the future, one lesson at a time." — Unknown
  • "A fresh cup of coffee and a new group of students — the perfect recipe for an incredible school year." — Unknown
  • "Coffee in hand, it's time to turn the page and start a new chapter of inspiring minds." — Unknown
  • "Teaching isn't just a job; it's a daily dose of caffeine and passion." — Unknown
  • "As the school year begins, let's remember: Great things happen over coffee and in classrooms." — Unknown
  • "Coffee fuels our mornings, but our students' success fuels our souls." — Unknown
  • "Every great lesson plan starts with a great cup of coffee." — Unknown
  • "Coffee and teaching go hand in hand. Ready to make a difference, one student at a time." — Unknown

Inspirational quotes for teachers can energize and motivate them to bring their best to the classroom, ensuring a productive and rewarding school year.

Back To School Quotes For Parents

Parents play a crucial role in their children's education. These quotes are for parents to encourage and support their kids through the school year.

Supportive quotes for parents to encourage their children's educational journey.

  • "Children are not things to be molded but are people to be unfolded." — Unknown
  • "Parenting is a journey, not a destination." — Unknown
  • "Your children need your presence more than your presents." — Unknown
  • "Children are likely to live up to what you believe of them." — Unknown
  • "Back to school means teachers get the kids, and parents get their sanity back. We couldn't be more grateful!" — Unknown
  • "Cheers to the teachers who make the school bell sound like a freedom chime for parents." — Unknown
  • "Teachers, thanks for taking over the chaos. Parents can finally take a nap without worrying about crayons on the walls." — Unknown
  • "School isn't just a place for learning; it's where parents find their peace and quiet. Thank you, teachers!" — Unknown
  • "While you're shaping young minds, we're catching up on our favorite shows. A win-win for everyone!" — Unknown
  • "To the teachers: As our kids learn and grow with you, we rediscover the bliss of uninterrupted moments." — Unknown
  • "Back to school is like a breath of fresh air for parents. Thanks for being the wind beneath our wings, teachers!" — Unknown
  • "With kids back in school, we can finally reclaim our homes—and our sanity. Thank you, teachers, for making it possible!" — Unknown

Back to school quotes for parents can help them feel connected to their child's educational journey. Proud parents quotes for graduation can remind them of the long-term value of supporting their child's education.

Back To School Kindergarten Quotes

Kindergarten is a child's first step into the world of education. These welcome back to school quotes are perfect for celebrating this milestone.

Heartwarming quotes for little ones embarking on their first school adventure.

  • "Kindergarten is the beginning of a bright future." — Unknown
  • "Play is the highest form of research." — Unknown
  • "In kindergarten, you learn to share, and that’s a lesson for life." — Unknown
  • "Kindergarten: where ‘every day’ is an adventure." — Unknown
  • "The best thing about kindergarten is making new friends." — Unknown
  • "Kindergarten: where you start to become who you are meant to be." — Unknown
  • "Kindergarten is where it all begins." — Unknown
  • "Little feet, big steps. Kindergarten is here!" — Unknown
  • "In kindergarten, every day is a new adventure." — Unknown
  • "Watching you step into kindergarten is like witnessing a small miracle unfold every day." — Unknown
  • "Your first day of kindergarten is the beginning of a beautiful adventure. We're so proud of you!" — Unknown
  • "It's amazing how quickly you've grown. Kindergarten is just the start of a world full of learning." — Unknown
  • "Seeing you off to kindergarten reminds me that each day with you is a gift." — Unknown
  • "Kindergarten is your first big step into the world. We believe in you, little one!" — Unknown
  • "From the moment you were born, we knew this day would come. Kindergarten is just the beginning of your journey." — Unknown
  • "Sending you to kindergarten fills us with joy and a bit of nostalgia. Go conquer the world, kiddo!" — Unknown
  • "Kindergarten is where your story begins. We can't wait to see all the chapters you'll write." — Unknown
  • "Every new school year brings new adventures. Kindergarten is your first big adventure, and we’re cheering you on!" — Unknown
  • "Kindergarten is your first taste of independence. We’re here to support you every step of the way." — Unknown
  • "Watching you step into your kindergarten class is like seeing a dream come true. You’re ready for this!" — Unknown

Back to school kindergarten quotes can make this big step feel exciting for both children and parents. Kindergarten graduation quotes celebrate the journey of learning from an early age.

August Back To School Quotes

August signifies the end of summer and the beginning of a new school year. These quotes will help set a positive tone for the upcoming academic year.

Inspirational quotes to welcome the start of a new school year.

  • "August is the gateway to a new school year." — Unknown
  • "New beginnings start in August." — Unknown
  • "August is the time to reset, refresh, and refocus for the school year ahead." — Unknown
  • "In August, we prepare for a season of learning and growth." — Unknown
  • "The end of summer marks the start of new adventures." — Unknown
  • "August: A new month, a new start, a new school year." — Unknown
  • "August is when the magic of new beginnings happens." — Unknown
  • "August is here, and school is near." — Unknown
  • "With August comes the promise of new opportunities." — Unknown
  • "August brings the excitement of a fresh start." — Unknown
  • "August: when lazy summer days turn into vibrant school days." — Unknown
  • "In August, we open the doors to endless possibilities." — Unknown

Welcome Back To School Quotes

It can truly make a difference when we greet students returning to school with positive and uplifting words. Here are inspirational back to school quotes that can assist in creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere.

Motivational quotes to greet students and staff as they return to school.

  • "Welcome back! Let's make this school year the best one yet." — Unknown
  • "New year, new beginnings. Welcome back to school!" — Unknown
  • "It’s great to have you back! Let’s start this school year with enthusiasm." — Unknown
  • "A new school year means new opportunities to grow and succeed. Welcome back!" — Unknown
  • "Welcome back to school! Let’s embark on this exciting journey together." — Unknown
  • "The school year is back in session! Let's make it amazing." — Unknown
  • "Back to school means back to fun and learning. Welcome back!" — Unknown
  • "We’re so glad to have you back! Let’s make this year unforgettable." — Unknown

School quotes in welcome back messages can help students reconnect with their learning goals and feel ready to tackle the year ahead.

First Day Back To School Quotes

The start of a new school year is always a mix of anticipation and butterflies in the stomach. To add a touch of magic to this day, here are a few first day of school quotes that will make it truly memorable.

Encouraging first day of school quotes to ease the transition on the first day back.

  • "The first day of school is the first page in a new chapter." — Unknown
  • "Today is the first day of your next great adventure." — Unknown
  • "Welcome to the first day of a new journey." — Unknown
  • "The first day of school is a fresh start to do something great." — Unknown
  • "On the first day of school, you write the story of a new chapter." — Unknown
  • "Today is the day to start something new. Happy first day back to school!" — Unknown
  • "The first day of school: a time for new beginnings and endless possibilities." — Unknown
  • "The first day of school marks the start of a new adventure. Embrace it!" — Unknown
  • "Happy first day back to school! Let’s make it a memorable one." — Unknown
  • "The first day of school is a new opportunity to learn and grow." — Unknown
  • "Welcome to the first day of a fantastic school year." — Unknown

Back To School Prayer Quotes

Starting the school year with a prayer can bring peace and confidence. Here are some prayer positive school quotes to inspire and uplift.

Spiritual quotes to seek guidance and blessings for the school year.

  • "May God bless you with wisdom and understanding as you begin this school year." — Unknown
  • "Lord, guide our steps and bless our journey as we return to school." — Unknown
  • "May your heart and mind be filled with peace and knowledge this school year." — Unknown
  • "Praying for a year of success, happiness, and growth." — Unknown
  • "May the Lord be with you as you start this new school year." — Unknown
  • "Heavenly Father, bless our teachers and students as they embark on this school year." — Unknown
  • "May God’s love and protection be with you always, especially as you return to school." — Unknown
  • "Praying for a year filled with blessings and achievements." — Unknown
  • "May God’s wisdom guide you through every challenge this school year." — Unknown
  • "May your school year be filled with God’s grace and goodness." — Unknown
  • "Heavenly Father, bless our students with a year of learning and joy." — Unknown

Combining teacher quotes with prayers can inspire educators to approach their work with renewed dedication and compassion.

Funny Back To School Quotes

Laughter is a great way to ease the tension of going back to school. These funny quotes will bring a smile to everyone’s face.

Funny quotes to lighten the mood and bring laughter to school.

  • "Back to school: the only time of year when ‘supplies’ means something entirely different." — Unknown
  • "Education is important, but big biceps are importanter." — Unknown
  • "Summer: the only time when teachers become students of relaxation." — Unknown
  • "Back to school? I’d rather hit the snooze button." — Unknown
  • "First day of school: Time to remember where we left our brains." — Unknown
  • "School bells are ringing, and so are our heads." — Unknown
  • "Back to school? Time to replace ‘napping’ with ‘studying’." — Unknown
  • "I’m not ready for back to school. Can I just hit rewind on summer?" — Unknown
  • "School starts tomorrow. Time to break out the alarm clocks and the coffee." — Unknown
  • "Back to school means my brain has to wake up again." — Unknown
  • "Back to school: the time when we all realize we forgot how to do math." — Unknown

Funny back to school quotes can lighten the mood and make the transition back to school more enjoyable. Funny graduation quotes can remind students and parents alike that education is a journey filled with both hard work and joy.

Short Back To School Quotes

Sometimes, a short and sweet quote is all you need to get motivated. Here are some concise quotes for back-to-school inspiration.

Short and sweet quotes to inspire and motivate in a few words.

  • "New year, new goals." — Unknown
  • "Back to school, back to success." — Unknown
  • "Dream big, work hard." — Unknown
  • "Embrace the journey." — Unknown
  • "Be curious, not judgmental." — Unknown
  • "Learn today, lead tomorrow." — Unknown
  • "Start strong, finish stronger." — Unknown
  • "Education is power." — Unknown
  • "Believe in your potential." — Unknown
  • "Knowledge is the key." — Unknown
  • "Stay positive, stay focused." — Unknown
  • "Every day is a fresh start." — Unknown

Short back to school quotes can pack a powerful punch, offering quick and memorable encouragement. Education quotes in a concise format can deliver key messages efficiently, helping students stay focused and motivated.

Back To School Letter Board Quotes

Letter boards are a fun way to display inspirational quotes. Here are some great ideas for your back-to-school letter board.

Creative quotes to display on letter boards for a stylish message.

  • "Back to school and ready to rule." — Unknown
  • "New year, new adventures." — Unknown
  • "Time to shine, it’s school time." — Unknown
  • "Ready, set, learn!" — Unknown
  • "School is cool." — Unknown
  • "Let the learning begin." — Unknown
  • "Back to school vibes." — Unknown
  • "Adventure awaits in the classroom." — Unknown
  • "Welcome back to the learning zone." — Unknown
  • "School: where dreams take flight." — Unknown
  • "Knowledge is power, school is key." — Unknown

Back To School After Spring Break Quotes

Going back to school after spring break can be quite a challenge. But worry not, because these inspirational back to school quotes are here to make the transition easier and get everyone back in the school spirit!

Uplifting quotes about back to school to reenergize students after the spring break hiatus.

  • "Spring break is over; time to blossom in school." — Unknown
  • "After the break, let’s make a strong comeback." — Unknown
  • "Spring break was fun, but school is where the real adventure begins." — Unknown
  • "Spring break is done; now let’s run to success." — Unknown
  • "Break time is over, now it’s school time." — Unknown
  • "The fun of spring break continues in the classroom." — Unknown
  • "Spring break gave us rest; now it’s time to do our best." — Unknown
  • "Back from break and ready to conquer." — Unknown
  • "After a refreshing break, let’s dive back into learning." — Unknown
  • "Spring break was a blast; now let’s ace the rest of the year." — Unknown
  • "The break is over, but the journey continues." — Unknown

Back To School After Winter Break Quotes

Winter break is a time to relax, but returning to school can be just as exciting. These quotes will help kickstart the new year after the holidays.

Motivational quotes to reignite the passion for learning after winter break.

  • "Winter break is over; let’s heat up our brains." — Unknown
  • "Winter break was cool, but school is where we rule." — Unknown
  • "The holiday fun is done; now let’s get some learning done." — Unknown
  • "Back to school after winter break, ready to tackle new challenges." — Unknown
  • "Winter break was a time to rest; now it’s time to be our best." — Unknown
  • "The holidays are over, but the excitement of school is just beginning." — Unknown
  • "Back from break and ready to make the grade." — Unknown
  • "Winter break was great, but now it’s time to educate." — Unknown
  • "The fun of winter break continues with new school adventures." — Unknown
  • "After a cozy winter break, let’s return to the classroom with warmth." — Unknown
  • "The holiday season has ended, but the learning season has just begun." — Unknown

As the back-to-school season approaches, it's a great opportunity to ponder on the exciting journey that lies ahead.  Sandjest is here to celebrate these back to school moments and help your kids back to school with personalized gifts. 

At Sandjest, we truly understand the significance of gift-giving. It goes beyond just a mere formality; it's a beautiful opportunity to convey profound emotions and craft unforgettable moments. Let these back-to-school quotes bring a touch of inspiration and excitement to this new chapter.


As the new school year approaches, finding the right back to school quotes can set a positive tone for students, parents, and teachers alike. Inspirational back to school quotes offer motivation and encouragement, making the transition from summer to classroom a little easier. Whether you're looking for a back to school quote to write in a card, include in a speech, or post on social media, these quotes about back to school are perfect for any occasion. 

From famous authors to anonymous sayings, there's a quote that can resonate with everyone. At Sandjest, we believe in making every gift personal and meaningful. Our unique personalized gifts are crafted to bring joy and thoughtfulness to every occasion. Discover how our gifts can enhance the heartfelt experience of giving. 


What Is A Cool Quote For Back To School?

  • "The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you." — B.B. King 
  • "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." —Nelson Mandela 
  • "The capacity to learn is a gift; the ability to learn is a skill; the willingness to learn is a choice." — Brian Herbert 

What Is A Good Quote For The First Day Of School?

  • "The first day of school is always a memorable one, ripe with expectations." — Elizabeth Eulberg 
  • "Every day is a new opportunity to restart, reboot, and renew." — Gail Devers 
  • "You can steer yourself in any direction you choose." — Dr. Seuss 

What To Say When Going Back To School?

  • "Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow." — Anthony J. D'Angelo
  • "The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go." — Dr. Seuss 
  • "Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today."— Malcolm X 

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  • 170+ Inspiring Back to School Quotes for Every Student

  • Thomas Turner | View all blog posts

    Thomas Turner is an SEO Content Writer at Sandjest where he develops and implements content strategies to enhance online visibility and drive organic traffic. With a Bachelor’s degree in Communications from Northwestern University and five years of experience in the marketing and content writing field. In his spare time, Thomas enjoys playing badminton and chess, activities that help him stay active and sharpen his strategic thinking skills.

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